Chemical additives

The team at RITHCO have used their extensive experience to develop many approaches to solve specific customer problems. For some situations, specific products have been generated or commissioned from other manufacturers.

We operate in all types of paper, board, tissue, RCF and cellulose processes and their utilities.

We have our own production plant for a silica based microparticle, as well as a plant for manufacturing specialized cleaners. For special product ranges, such as special polymers and felt cleaners we have exclusive agreements with partner enterprises.

During the development of new applications we will do a thorough system analysis involving when appropriate, our partner companies and outside institutes.

We offer diversified problem-solving capabilities using industry knowledge, consultancy, a wide product range coupled with excellent service.

For all chemicals sold from RITHCO Papertec GmbH following rules apply:

Dosing Points at the RITHCO-System

The corresponding dosing point and the dosing quantity is individual and can be seen in our recommendations at each singular technical material sheet.

The generally valid precautions in the use of chemicals have to be obeyed, as well as that all data of the Material Safety Data Sheet have to be observed. The product and their solutions can very difficulty be washed off with water.

At appropriate application and usage RITHCOret has not shown, according to the prevailing experiences, health endangering nor biological harmful effects. Based on the available data they do not represent a dangerous material in the sense of the Regulation for Handling of Materials.
Scattered granular product or emulsion polymer or both of their solutions must be adsorbed with appropriated material (sand, sawdust, etc.) and the remaining material has to be washed off with high pressure water. To increase the cleaning effect it can be taken a product from the RITHCOclean line.

Our experience has shown that the RITHCOret – brands and their solutions are non-corrosive, in contact with materials used for tanks and pipes, such as fiberglass, plastics, plastic – lined materials, stainless steel, etc.. Because of the properties of the organic solvent contained in the emulsion polymers plastic containers, pumps, pump components and pipes coming into contact with the undiluted product must be made of solvent proof material.

lease see here at the corresponding technical material sheet of the applied product.

The above given informations correspond to our current status of knowledge and experience, and is intended to advise without any obligations. The given data do not represent specifications. Please adapt all data concerning the use of our products to the conditions existing in your particular application and to your materials.